Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Contemporary Issues Human Resource Periodicals

Contemporary Issues Human Resource Periodicals

Q Check current periodicals to find an interesting current event article related to developing and/or rewarding employees for higher productivity. Read the article. Provide a summary of the article. Provide additional recommendations, arguments, and ideas. Include a citation for the article.

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In the chosen article, the speaker has mentioned own leadership experiences in order to illustrate the strategy and culture of the modern day organizations. Employees are obviously important for the ultimate success of the company. On the other hand, the significances of the contractors cannot be ignored or overlooked (Wolfe, 2018). The traditional mindset of the HR department is to ignore the contractors and very little involvement of the specific approach and strategy. On the other hand, the modern workforce is a contingent workforce, which is full of skilled contractors, who can bring the new ideas, concepts for supporting the concept of the exceptional management of the project.